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15:18, 22 December 2015 | Society news Sakhalin and the Kurils

Сообщение Тихоокеанского информационного агентства «Острова».

Одним из главных итогов 2016 года для Южно-Сахалинска стало очередное улучшение демографии. Рождаемость в областной столице на конец декабря превышает смертность на 775 человек. Об этом сообщил мэр Сергей Надсадин. Сегодня он встретился с журналистами.

Как заявил глава города, по прогнозам специалистов, к концу 2016 года официальная численность населения Южно-Сахалинска перешагнет планку в 200 тысяч человек. При этом он оговорился: фактически, вероятно, в городе и так проживают на несколько десятков тысяч людей больше.

По предварительным данным, за 2015 год в городском округе будут введены 116,8 тысячи квадратных метров жилья. В следующем году, как ожидается, этот показатель вырастет еще примерно в 1,5 раза.  Планируется ввод малоэтажных жилых домов в селе Дальнее, 25-м микрорайоне, а также домов, строящихся в рамках ЖСК.

Очередь в детские сады для детей от 3 до 7 лет сейчас отсутствует. В ноябре введен в эксплуатацию детский сад на 150 мест. После капитального ремонта создано 375 дополнительных мест  в существующих садах. В 2016 году планируется к вводу в эксплуатацию 5 детских садов на 1080 мест.

Сергей Надсадин добавил, что большая работа ведется по благоустройству города. В 2015 году закончены работы по строительству двух новых скверов - Анкудинова и Ждакаева.

Продолжается реализация программы по капремонту дворов, принятой в 2014 году. В этом году был выполнен ремонт дворов почти у 90 многоквартирных домов на площади более 110 тысяч квадратных метров.

В 2015 году капитальные работы выполнялись на  городских улицах общей протяженностью 8 тысяч метров.  Текущий ремонт дорог проведен на 72 тысячах квадратных метров дорог. 

В 2016 году работы капитального характера планируются на следующих улицах: Комсомольская от Компроспекта до Победы, Пограничная от Ленина до Комсомольской, Сахалинская от Амурской до Южно-Сахалинской, Ударной в Дальнем, бульвар Анкудинова.

Продолжится строительство улиц в новом районе Дальнего - Демина, Крымская, Полянка, Полевого. Общая протяженность этих улиц - около 7,5 тысячи погонных метров. Возможно, в этот список будут добавлены и новые объекты.

Список улиц, где будет выполнен текущий ремонт «сплошным асфальтированием», окончательно утвердят весной с учетом дефектовки. Но уже сейчас известно, что в 2016 году будет отремонтирована улица Комсомольская на двух участках: от Коммунистического проспекта до Сахалинской и от Сахалинской до Горной, с обустройством тротуаров.

Касательно общественного транспорта - введена в работу единая диспетчерская служба. Работает сайт для отслеживания движения автобусов с помощью ГЛОНАСС, правда, не для всех маршрутов. Начата работа по внедрению электронных приборов для безналичной формы оплаты. Еще одно большое направление - обновление автопарка. 47 единиц техники для города закупили из бюджета Сахалинской области, часть из них уже поступила на Сахалин или находится в пути. Кроме того, сам город заказал 54 единицы - 44 ПАЗа и 10 «Брависов». По договору поставка запланирована на январь 2016 года. На еще одну большую партию автобусов, 110 единиц, размещена конкурсная документация. Срок их поставки - июнь. Планируемся, что всего за год муниципальный парк автобусов пополнится  на 211 единиц. Новые автобусы поставят на те маршруты, по которым сейчас поступает наибольшее количество жалоб от горожан, туда, где перевозчики не справляются с пассажиропотоком - это маршруты № 10, 4, 4а, 34.

Городские власти, по словам мэра, намерены сделать так, чтобы количество автобусов соответствовало количеству пассажиров, а общественный транспорт ходил до 23:30.

Приоритет администрации - создание комфортной среды для горожан, заявил Сергей Надсадин. Это потребует изменения городского пространства, поэтому без серьезной подготовительной работы качественного прорыва не получится. Сейчас специалисты занимаются составлением плана развития, включающего в себя, в частности, оценку и изменения в схеме городских дорог, развязок, светофоров.

Traditionally at this time we sum up the results of work done, Sergey Nadsadin said. It is possible to tell that this year was difficult and rich in events. I will designate main indicators and priority areas of work of city administration.

Anti-crisis plan

At the end of 2014 we started forming list of actions which could smoothen consequences of falling oil prices. Therefore this January, we could quickly develop Plan of measures on providing a sustainable development of economy and social stability of the city. This document was supplemented depending on a situation. Most actions has constant character, a lot of things were implemented.

One of important actions is declaration on minimum trade margins (no more than 15 %). It was signed by the majority of large shops and wholesale companies of the city.

In current year, amount of financing of the special municipal program is increased by 10 times, expanded with 6 to 15 list of types of financial support of subjects of small business.

In 2016 extension of the list of mechanisms of financial support of subjects of small business (social shops, drugstores, hairdressing salons) will be continued. The question of stimulation of subjects of business via mechanism of financial support to participation in the Affordable Fish project is studied.

Taken measures allowed to reduce negative influence of an economic crisis. Following the results of a year position of the city in general is characterized as steady.


Birth rate which exceeded mortality by 775 people became one of the main indicators of 2015. This excellent tendency remains since 2008 and serves as an indicator of growth of quality of life. By the way, according to forecasts of experts by the end of 2016 official population of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk will step over 200 thousand people (200,8). Though I consider that some tens of thousands of people work over this number live in the city, actually.



Last week public hearings of main financial document of the city district - draft budget for 2016 - took place. Total amount of the income is expected to reach 18,9 billion rubles, spending - 18,3 billion rubles. That is 6,8 billion less than the budget of 2015. However within the next year budget can increase by subsidies and help of regional authorities on the terms of joint financing. Its size is determined in the sum of 9,3 billion rubles.

Budget still remains socially oriented. Additional measures of social help for specific categories of citizens will be kept; as well as free city  transport pass for students, etc.

In general, expenses of the budget are divided between 25 municipal programs. In 2016 generally will be provided financing of capital construction projects and reconstruction under those municipal contracts which were already signed in the previous years.


Total statistics is still being colected. According to preliminary data for 2015, it is planned to build 116,8 thousand square meters of houses. Total amount of housing commissioning in 2016 will make 165,7 thousand square meters.

Social sphere

Level of provision of children with preschool educational institutions grows. The line for kindergartens for children from 3 to 7 years does not exist anymore. In November, new kindergarten for 150 places was put into operation. After capital repairs, 375 more seats in the existing gardens are created. In 2016 it is planned to build 5 kindergartens for 1080 places.

City improvement, courtyards

A lot of work is conducted on improvement of the city. In 2015 works on construction of two new squares - Ankudinova and Zhdakayev - were finished.

Implementation of the 2014 program for capital reconstruction of the courtyards continues. This year, over 90 apartment houses' courtyards on the area of more than 110 thousand square meters were reconstructed. In the list for 2016 there are again more than 90 apartment houses.

In 2015 capital works were performed on city streets with a general extent of 8 thousand meters. Maintenance of roads is carried out on 72 thousand square meters of roads. 

In 2016 works of capital character are planned on the following streets: Komsomolskaya from Komprospekt to the Pobedy, Pogranichnaya from Lenin to Komsomolskaya, Sakhalinskaya from Amurskaya to Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya, Udarnaya in Dalnii, Ankudinov Boulevard.

Construction of streets in the new area of Dalnii - Dyomina, Krymskaya, Polyanka, Polevogo  will proceed. Total length of these streets is about 7,5 thousand running meters. Perhaps, new objects also will be added to this list.

The list of streets where maintenance will be executed by "continuous asphalting", will finally claim in the spring. But already now it is known that in 2016 Komsomolskaya Street will be repaired on two sites: from Komprospekt to Sakhalinskaya and from Sakhalinskaya to Gornaya, with arrangement of sidewalks.

Public transport

Work on modernization of system of passenger traffic became one of the key directions. The uniform dispatching service is entered into work. Its phone number is 510-510.

Information program of tracking of the movement of buses by means of GLONASS works at the website. It is possible to receive information on location of each bus on a route: where it is and where it was before. Unfortunately, it doesn't show an overall picture of all routes. Now this question is regulated.

Work on introduction of electronic devices for a non-cash form of payment is begun. The technical project is prepared, we come for competition. We will buy electronic systems and the software. The system will allow to pass to the clearing settlement, will give additional opportunities of the account and control of carriers, and also we will be able to carry out the qualitative analysis of passenger traffics.

Transition to electronic system of calculation will take place step by step. At first this system will be entered for preferential categories of citizens and school students. The second stage to join it by all other citizens. On introduction of electronic readers 3-4 months are necessary. One more big direction on reforming of system of city transport is updating of vehicle fleet. 47 pieces of equipment for the city were bought by region, the part from them already arrived to Sakhalin or is en route. 

Besides, the city ordered 54 more units - 44 PAZ and 10 Bravis. Under the contract, delivery is planned for January, 2016.

On one more big party of buses, 110 units, documentation for competition is placed. The term of their delivery is June 2016. Thus, we plan that the municipal park of buses will be updated by 211 units! It is an unprecedented indicator. Such global updating of city public transport didn't happen yet.

New buses will put on those routes along which the greatest number of complaints from citizens now arrives, there, where carriers don't cope with a passenger traffic - these are routes No. 10, 4, 4a, 34.

Still we wait for delivery of 30 gas engine buses, competition on which purchase was played by area, will come in March.

Now we hold preparatory activities: we restore the existing motor depot on Pogranichnaya  that it could accept new buses, we train the personnel, etc. 

We intend to make so that the number of buses corresponded to number of passengers that the public transport went till 23:30. That in salons it was clean, buses moved according to the schedule which performance any passenger could check by means of modern technologies.

Concept of spatial development

One more important and global direction begun this year, preparation of the concept of a spatial development of the city. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk with its grid doesn't conform to requirements of modern life, stopper in rush hour to many citizens sadden mood for a long time, there are no recreation areas.

We began work on modernization of transport infrastructure last year. The scheme of optimization of traffic of the central part of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was developed. Within implementation of this document this year works on extension of Gorky street were conducted. Besides, results were used while drawing up the specification for development of the transport scheme of all city.

At the beginning of December we concluded the municipal contract for development of the project of complex transport city scheme with the leading scientific institute of the country,  "Research institute of the motor transport" (NIIAT).

I will emphasize, it is not only about optimization of the transport scheme to unload roads by means of regulation of traffic lights and expansion of streets. It is about more global document - also questions of construction of facilities of transport infrastructure - parkings, municipal parking, cycle paths, system of electronic travel cards, pedestrian zones will be considered.

Work will include some stages. Experts will study an arrangement of the existing objects - bridges, outcomes, parkings, and also schools, kindergartens, sports constructions and places of a mass congestion of people. Will analyse as there is a loading of a street road network within a day.

Also our plans for a development of the city will be considered: construction of new residential districts, roads, social objects. Because if we won't depict specific objectives, we won't consider our previous development, this work won't be so effective.

Experts will submit part of the offers next year that we could start their realization. The term of all contract is 520 days.

In summary I want to tell that a priority of administration is creation of the comfortable environment for citizens. It will demand change of city space. Therefore without serious preparatory work of high-quality break it won't turn out.

Nevertheless, we understand that people want to live well now, for this purpose we accelerated repairment of yards, roads, we establish modern nurseries and sports grounds, we equip available vacation spots, school and a kindergarten.

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